
A core principle of Assign Onward is transparency:
  • The protocols are open source
    1readily available, hopefully well documented source code which can be used to put the protocols into practice
    , open license
    2meaning: anyone is free to practice, operate their own implementation of Assign Onward blockchain protocols.
  • Complete blockchain contents
    3potentially excluding separable items.
    are readily available to anyone
    4There is a practical balance to strike between openness and vulnerability to DoS and/or spam attack.

    Nominal transaction fees and/or identity confirmation may become necessary, especially for larger implementations with high monetary or political value.
Protocols and systems designed to layer on top of Assign Onward protocols can assume that they have free access to all information in any Assign Onward blockchains they are working with. Likewise they should take into consideration the fact that anyone else may immediately, or at any time in the future, also access all information stored in any Assign Onward blockchain.


Transparency presents the possibility, but not the guarantee, of permanency. Generally speaking, as long as a recorder node operates, it should keep a permanent record of all blockchains it supports. However, this is only guaranteed as long as the recorder(s) continue to operate and support a blockchain. If an entity values the information stored in a blockchain, it would be in their best interest to at least keep a copy
6bits are cheap: hard drives now cost less than $50/TB and SSDs have fallen below $200/TB and continue to drop. At $200/TB, a 1MB block costs 0.02 cents to store.
of it for themselves, or perhaps operate an open recording node of their own.